In a vibrant display of enthusiasm and fitness, Gajera Vidya Bhavan School in Sachin organized the Kidathon ‘The Run for Fit Life’ competition on Saturday, 23rd December 2023, from 7 am to 9 am. This invigorating event saw the participation of approximately 100 students from classes 1 to 4, bringing together the school community for a morning dedicated to health and wellness.
In the hustle and bustle of today’s fast-paced lifestyle, where people often find it challenging to prioritize their health, Gajera Vidyabhavan Sachin took a commendable initiative to raise awareness about the importance of leading a healthy life. The primary objective behind organizing the Kidathon was to instill a love for sports among children, promoting the idea that a fit and active lifestyle can be achieved through sports activities. Moreover, the event aimed to contribute to the broader goal of fostering a health-conscious society.
The event was graced by the esteemed presence of Mr. DK Solanki, PSI of Sachin GIDC, and Mr. Sanad Kumar, Officer of Sachin GIDC Fire Department, who attended as chief guests, adding prestige to the program. Their presence underscored the significance of promoting health and fitness within the community.
The school’s leadership, including Principal Nitin Patil and Vice Principal Anju Mistry, played a pivotal role in encouraging the participating students. The sports and activity mentors, along with the dedicated teachers, provided unwavering support to ensure the success of the event. Their collective efforts contributed to creating an environment where the students felt motivated to embrace an active and healthy lifestyle.
During the event, Mr. DK Solanki and Mr. Sanad Kumar, along with Principal Nitin Patil and Vice Principal Anju Mistry, had the honor of felicitating the winning children with trophies and certificates. This recognition not only celebrated the achievements of the young participants but also served as a token of encouragement for them to continue prioritizing their health and well-being.
The school management expressed heartfelt gratitude to all the staff and parents for their active involvement and support, acknowledging that their collective efforts were instrumental in the success of the entire Kidethon event. The collaborative spirit displayed by the school community reflected a shared commitment to nurturing a generation that values and prioritizes a fit and healthy lifestyle.